Small Tip Big Click

setembro 1, 2011  |  No Comments  |  by Panelli & Associados  |  Small Tip Big Click
Becoming a Productive and Profitable Store – Physical Side
·         Have a “mind-set” that your store can be 50% more as productive; i.e., produce sales per square foot at 50% more your industry average.
·         Measure sales per square foot by:
o   Store total
o   Department/categories/ line, etc
o   The first 25% of your store area should generate +50% of the sales – use power walls; central area, back-end.
o   Can walls and fixtures be highlighted to increase the intensity of merchandise inventory per square foot?
·         The productive formula is:
o   Total store sales per year / square footage including forward stock room, cash desk, fitting room
Panelli & Fassina has tools to measure productivity considering both physical and human side.
Until Next- “Small Tip Big Click”
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